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Checkpoint List for a Brush-Up of a Shearer Loader
-Electrical  to do list
ü   Pull out all motors取出所有电机
ü   Open the motors and take anew grease on the motor bearings (use the right grease for motors)打开电机,在电机轴承上涂上油脂
ü   Clean all cooling plates(motors & energy box) with acid and water酸洗所有冷却板(电机和电控箱)
ü   Make a measuring of themotors (phases against earth)测量电机(对地的相位)
ü   Make a measuring of allmotor cables(phases against earth and also control wires against earth)测量所有电机电缆(对地的相位以及控制电缆对地的相位)
ü   Make a measuring of all  phases in the energy box (phases againstearth and also control wires against earth)测量电控箱中所有的相位(对地相位和控制电缆对地)
ü   Check all contacts in thedistribution box at the backside of the shearer检查煤机后背分线盒中的所有接点
ü   Open all covers of theenergy box & motors and have a look on the flamed proof surfaces 打开电控箱的所有盖板和电机检查防爆面
ü   If they are rusted you cansharp them with a fine sand paper如果防爆面锈蚀,用细砂纸打磨
ü   Check also all threats ofthe covers检查盖板的螺孔
ü   Take out the Inverters andclean them 取出变频器并清洁干净
ü   After this put a new heatingpaste on them and the cooling plate and reassemble them back然后在变频器和冷却板上涂上导热脂复原
ü   Clean all areas of theenergy box, first with an air pipe later with a towel 先用气管然后用抹布清理电控箱
ü   If you see that some plugsor contacts are broken then change them如果发现插头或接头损坏,把它换掉
ü   Don’t forget to put Vaselineon the flamed proofed surfaces and screws if you close the covers 勿忘在防爆面涂上凡士林,合盖板时,螺丝上也涂
-Mechanical to do list
ü   Strip the Wheel Boxes. 2x拆解链轮箱
ü   Change the Bearings in theWheel boxes, grease them with
KlübelubGrease. Use new Sliding rings and Turcon Rings.
Usealso new O-Rings. 2x更换链轮箱中的轴承,涂抹上油脂,使用新的滑动环和圆环,使用新的O形圈。
ü   Change Shaft Seal Ring inthe Haulage, where the Haulage Motor is fitted in. 2x更换牵引电机的轴密封圈
ü   Change Shaft Seal Rings (2Pieces) in the Ranging Arms, where the Cutter Motor is fitted in. 2x更换摇臂上的切割电机的轴密封圈
ü   Change Rotomatic Seals andO-Rings at the Water pipe in the Ranging Arms. 2x更换摇臂水管上的矩形密封和O形圈。
ü   Change Nuts, Capnuts andClamping Plates from the Tie Rods, if the are damaged. Change the Pins and theParallel Keys, including the screws. 4x/ 2x如果拉杆的紧固螺母,护帽螺母和压板损坏,则将其更换。更换销钉,平行键和螺丝
ü   Check the Threats at the TieRods, measurement the Length of the Tie Rods. 4x检查拉杆的螺纹,测量拉杆的长度,
ü   Put on new Sliding shoes atthe Connection Bracket, by this machine you must also change the ConnectionBracket. 2x在连接支腿处换上新平滑靴,就该台煤机而言,连接支腿也得换。
ü   Check the Cylinders, if theyare bended change them.检查降油缸,如果弯了则换掉。
ü   Change all Water hoses andall Hydraulic hoses. Clean the Flow Control Valves and the Connection Strip.Use new Fitting Parts. Don’t forget to mark the hoses like the Water- andHydraulic Plan says!! 2x更换所有水管和油管,清洁流量控制阀,使用新配件,按水路液压平面图所述的标注胶管。
ü   Clean the Water Module andalso the Valve Units. 2x/ 2x清洁水模块和阀件。
ü   Change the Double Filter. 1x更换反冲过滤器
ü   Change the Manometers. 4x更换压力计
ü   Change the High-pressure Filters.2x更换压差过滤器
ü   Change in the SuctionFilters the Filter Insert, the Built in Valve Components and all O-Rings. Usenew screws!!! 2x更换吸油过滤器的滤芯,内置阀组件和所有O形圈,使用新螺丝。
ü   Change all Vent-screws andall Greasing-nipples. 6x/ 10x更换所有透气塞和油嘴。
ü   Change Shaft Seal Rings atthe Ranging Arm Holders and change the Rubber Plates and the Holding Strips. 2x更换摇臂座上的轴密封圈,更换橡胶板和压条。
ü   Clean the Hydraulic Pumpsand change the Internal Coupling Part. 2x清洁液压泵,更换内部的联接件。
ü   Reassemble the Wheel Boxesat the Haulages, put in new Rag Wheels and Guiding Shoes at the Wheel Boxes.Use new Fitting Parts!!! 2x重新组装牵引部的链轮箱,使用新的齿轨轮和导向滑靴,用新配件。
ü   By reassembling of all theParts use Grease!!!!!重新组装所有部件时,请使用油脂!!!
ü   Check the Fitting Faces, ifthey are damaged repair them carefully and by the Way clean them.检查装配面,如果损坏,小心修复,清洁干净。

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